Science & Technology Festival
November 13, 2023
First, choose your class period
Then take a look at past presentations below
Note, however, that enrollment ended on Nov 13, 2023.
Engineering, Technology, and Medicine medicine
I have been a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon for almost 20 years. Having a background in engineering has been a tremendous benefit to me and has made me a better physician. Early in my practice, I began doing some consulting with various manufacturers. I have always approached every procedure with the foundation of my surgical training, but always looking at how can we do this more efficiently, predictably, and with less risk to the patient.
Early in my career, I designed some medical products for various companies. This collaborative effort led to further designs (2nd generation products). Ultimately, I started a (very) small company to make my own products.
I have also been blessed to work with other very talented surgeons and engineers and take care of some wonderful patients. Providing team coverage for athletes has been very rewarding as well.

SpeakerWendy White, MD
Surgery - Burn, Trauma, Acute and Critical Care Surgery UT Southwestern/Parkland
Entrepreneurship in the High Tech World technology
I will discuss what drives entrepreuneurship in technolgy

Speakersiraj ElAhmadi
Siraj Nour ElAhmadi
Engineer, Inventor, Entrepreneur, CEO & Board Member
Experienced executive with a proven track record of initiating several technology start-ups to design and mass-produce award-winning technology products and solutions for the telecommunications industry. Strength in anticipating and mapping future market requirements against multi-facet, new technologies, and inventing new differentiated products. A consummate entrepreneur is passionate about introducing new technologies & products with unique, differentiated value propositions. Experience in Integrated Circuits, lasers, and complex electro-optic systems design.
Founder, CEO Menara Networks
History of Robotic Surgery medicine
Discuss applications of robotics in surgery, the history of robotic surgery, and future of robotics in surgery and medicine. See the daVinci Robot Surgery Up Close and Live.

SpeakerDaniel Davis, DO, FACS, FASMBS, DABS, FPMBS
Dr Daniel Davis is Chief of Bariatric Surgery for Baylor University Medical Center and Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery for Texas A & M College of Medicine. Dr Davis is on the general surgery faculty at Baylor University Medical Center Dallas responsible for training the next generation of surgeons and supervises the surgical clerkship of the medical students from Texas A & M College of Medicine. Dr Davis specializes in gastrointestinal surgery and weight loss surgery utilizing a minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgical approach. Dr Davis resides with his wife and 3 children in the Park Cities.
Chief of Bariatric Surgery Baylor
How Marketing Can Make or Break Your Company technology
Think that a great idea is all you need to create a successful company? We'll discuss how your marketing & sales strategy drives success including: * Branding * Partnerships * Growth Hacking and more.

SpeakerHillary Sinclair
Hillary New Sinclair is passionate about advising and working with women-led startups. With a background in multi-channel marketing, corporate direction and operational scalability, Hillary has created strategies that drive revenue, engage users and accelerate company growth. Hillary is currently advising The Flourish Fund and Onthemuv. Previously, Hillary was Executive Director of Founders Network, a successful entrepreneur and marketing consultant. She has developed B2C marketing solutions for F500 companies including Avon, Yahoo!, eBay, Kraft Foods, Charles Schwab, DirecTV and Visa. Hillary is on the Steering Committee for the Changing Tides Movement, the Women's Leadership Committee of Founders Network and was a 2018 Finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year with the Women in IT Awards. Hillary is also an HPHS grad; Go Scots!
The value of STEM training for arts and humanities careers other
This presentation explores the multiple ways knowing how to THINK like a scientist/mathematician is of benefit to artists (focusing on filmmakers) and arts scholars.

SpeakerMark Kerins, PhD
- As a senior in high school, on the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad team
- Undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics (Valparaiso University)
- Masters and Doctoral degrees in film (Northwestern University)
- Currently a professor at SMU, where I teach filmmaking, make my own films, and write about film
Film Professor SMU
Tissue Engineering Life from PhD to Provost engineering
In this presentation, Dr. Loboa will discuss approaches to elucidate and optimize biomimetic materials for wound healing, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine applications. Focus will be placed on regeneration of skin and musculoskeletal tissues and approaches to wound care and tissue regeneration while combating multi-drug resistant bacteria. She will also share stories about her personal and professional journey as a mom, a woman in STEM, and her current role as provost and vice president for academic affairs at SMU.

SpeakerElizabeth Loboa, Ph.D.
• Dr. Loboa received both her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and her master’s degree in biomechanical engineering from Stanford University, and earned her bacHelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from UC Davis. • She has served as SMU’s Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs since July 6, 2020. As the university’s chief academic officer, she is responsible for the overall quality of teaching, scholarship and research and all aspects of academic life, ranging from admissions and faculty development to supervision of SMU’s library system, international programs, and SMU's eight degree granting schools: Cox School of Business, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences, Dedman School of Law, Meadows School of the Arts, Lyle School of Engineering, Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, Perkins School of Theology, and Simmons School of Education and Human Development. • Prior to SMU, Dr. Loboa was the 11th dean of the University of Missouri’s College of Engineering since October 2015 and Ketcham Professor of the College of Engineering. Since 2018, and concurrent with her deanship, she served as vice chancellor for strategic partnerships. She was the first woman to serve as MU College of Engineering's dean. • Dr. Loboa has been recognized for her work as an engineer, inventor, researcher and academic administrator. She is a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the National Academy of Inventors, the Biomedical Engineering Society and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. She has earned the Insight into Diversity Giving Back Award, the Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award, the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award and the UK-US Stem Cell Collaboration Development Award. Loboa also is the recipient of the University of California Davis Distinguished Engineering Alumni Medal as well as the Stanford University Distinguished Alumni Scholar Award. • She and her husband, Todd, are the proud parents of 5 beautiful children (and 2 incredibly cute dogs).
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs SMU
What is being a doctor really like? medicine
Many people think they know what it is like to be a doctor from TV or movies. This presentation will be true likeness of my journey to becoming a doctor and how my "typical" day runs and feels. Highlights will include getting into medical school, choosing a specialty and the daily ins and outs of providing care to patients. It will include the good, the rough and the rewarding!!

SpeakerJacque Gouevia, MD
Undergrad - University of Arizona, Biochemistry Degree, 1990-1994 Medical School- AT Still University, 1996-2000 Residency - Internal Medicine St. John Riverview Hospital, Detroit MI - 2000-2003 Fellowship- Infectious Diseases, St. Louis University, St Louis, MO - 2003-2005
Infectious Disease Doctor Baylor Scott and White - Temple
Full Presentations
Dogs in Vests science
The science of scent and how Psychology, Biology, and Chemistry are used when training medical alert service dogs.

SpeakerMiriam Richard
Miriam Richard earned a bachelors degree in kinesiology with a minor in psychology at the University of Texas, Austin. She went on to receive masters degree in physical therapy from the Texas Womans University in Houston. She was then awarded a health coaching certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
She has been happily married for twenty-nine years. Miriam is the mother of three kids and three wonderful dogs. She resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. In addition to her work and ongoing holistic research, she writes educational and therapeutic songs to pass her knowledge on to others. She enjoys taking on projects wholeheartedly and is full of passion for helping others. She recently finished a Documentary, Dogs in Vests and it is available to watch on YouTube.
You can connect with Miriam and follow her mission on
President Dogs in Vests
Engineering a Safer Transportation System engineering
Dr. Poe will discuss how engineers are building a safer transportation system through sensor technology, automation, and connectivity. Transportation engineering involves technology, software, computer science, and principles of physics. Dr. Poe will highlight examples of enabling automated vehicles to navigate roadways, protecting workers and drivers in construction work zones, and estimating flood likelihood to protect drivers from being trapped in storms events.

SpeakerChristopher Poe, Ph.D., P.E.
- Over 30 years experience in transportation engineering, including academic research and private consulting
- Licensed professional engineer in Texas
- Previously Adjunct Professor at University of Texas Arlington and Lecturer at Penn State University
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University
- M.E. and B.S. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University
Director, Product and User Experience Mixon / Hill, Inc.
The ER, Poisons and Crime Scenes--Stories from the "Front Line" of Medicine medicine
This presentation will include stories and pictures from the ER at Parkland--our nation's busiest emergency department and medicine's "front line." Then learn how my journey in emergency medicine led me to study medical toxicology at the North Texas Poison Center and how I then developed a forensic toxicology practice testifying in Federal drug crime cases involving the opioid epidemic and in murder mysteries. NOTE: PRESENTATION MAY CONTAIN GRAPHIC IMAGES THAT SOME VIEWERS MAY FIND DISTURBING

SpeakerStacey Hail, MD
Stacey L. Hail, MD, FACMT is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. She currently serves as attending physician in the Parkland Hospital Emergency Department and the North Texas Poison Center. Dr. Hail received a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at Southern Methodist University in 1995. After receiving her Medical Degree at the Medical College of Georgia in 1999, she completed both her emergency medicine residency and medical toxicology fellowship at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Hail has a prolific forensic toxicology practice serving as an expert witness for attorneys throughout the United States. She has testified multiple times as a witness for the Department of Justice involving federal drug crimes due to the national opioid epidemic and the fentanyl crisis. Dr. Hail also has provided toxicology commentary for local and national news venues and for documentaries on Dateline NBC, Court TV, National Geographic channel, the BBC, and the Oxygen channel.
Parkland ER Doctor & Medical Toxicologist North Texas Poison Center